Entering Medicare is really not so complicated. All you need is the right guide and plenty of options. Ohio Senior Insurance is your insurance matchmaker. We represent over 30 carriers and understand how each of our partners might best serve you. Click the icon below to contact and agent and learn more about our carriers.
What does Medicare do for me?
Is your current Medicare coverage the right plan for you?
Are prescriptions affordable?
Is long-term care covered?
Can you get a second opinion from a doctor?
Are dental, vision, and hearing care covered?
If you answered “no” to any of these questions, it’s time you spoke with an OSI representative.
Part A covers:
Hospital care
Skilled nursing facility care
Nursing home care
Hospice care
Home health services
And in Part B:
Medically Necessary Health care: Services or supplies that are needed to diagnose or treat your medical condition and that meet accepted standards of medical practice.
Preventative Services: Health care that will help prevent illnesses (like the flu) or detect illness at an early stage, when treatment is most likely to work best.
You pay nothing for most preventive services if you get the services from a health care provider who accepts assignment.
Part B also covers:
Clinical research
Ambulance services
Durable medical equipment (DME)
Mental health (inpatient, outpatient, partial hospitalization)
Second opinions before surgery
Limited outpatient prescription drugs